lørdag, juni 30, 2007

hei yah out there !!!!!!!!!!!!!

ehm ... i'm still alive ... didn't manage to post as often as i wanted to, but anyway, most of you stayed in contact with me the last few months. Norway was fun again! even though some of my friends from last year were missing ... and the rasta-atmosphere as well ... after i finished with my job in oslo i went back to evenstad and started work on the mouse farm. it's a research center for the applied ecology stuff that scientific people at evenstad work with. there we had to catch some mice to "clean" the fields and prepare them for the fieldwork season. afterwards we tried to catch some new mice (another species) down the river "glomma" and released them in the prepared fields. it was a quite funny work and i had a lot of fun with my to collegues. 17th of may (the norwegian national day) we went to oslo all together and had a beautiful an pleasant day there ...

well, i'm back to germany now and working on a center for nature conservation. the work is really cool and i enjoy living in the deep and scary black forest again ;-)

take care of you wherever you are! hugs helena

fredag, april 27, 2007

DAS brot

vor 2 tagen war ich in oslo einkaufen. da sie im supermarkt nur das gewöhnliche norwegische kaugummibrot hatten und dies mir auch schon ein bisschen latschig erschien, dacht ich mir: gönnen wir uns zur feier des tages mal ein brot aus der bäckerei ... gesagt, getan. ich also schnurstracks in eine "bakeri" und dort ein grobkörniges brot bestellt. "wir hätten da ein müslibrot im angebot. etwas süsslich, da mit rosinen, aber sehr lecker", so die verkäuferin. müslibrot klingt gut, dacht ich mir - also: nehm ich.
"das macht dann 50 kronen" ............................. WIE BITTE ????? 50 KRONEN ?????? ....... *überleg* ..... das sind mehr als 6,-€ !!!!! SECHS EURO für ein BROT ??????
ich hab's gekauft. es war sehr lecker. aber bei dem gedanken, wie viel es gekostet hat, ist mir der appetit fast vergangen ... ich hab's vermessen: es war 24 cm lang, 11 cm breit und 10 cm hoch.

ich dachte mir, das ist einen eintrag wert ...

søndag, april 08, 2007

easter ...

happy easter!

hey everyone,

i just came back from a beautiful trip to "gausdal" (northwest of lillehammer) where i had amazing easter holydays! we visited some friends (as you see on the pictures below) and went to the mountains with them. three days on skis and two nights in two different cottages, sun and perfect snow conditions and an amazing view over big parts of the western norwegian mountain area made this trip to a great experience ... happy easter to all of you and a big big hug from norway!

onsdag, mars 28, 2007

FRÜÜÜÜÜHLING !!!!!!! (-> Springtime :-))

Today, I took my camera with me to catch some spring messengers. It's so beautiful and warm outside and the sun is shining all day! This time last year we were still taking the skis to school, digging a snow cave and ice fishing !!! It's really strange ... but marvelous ... :-)


søndag, mars 25, 2007

Bygdøya - mein Arbeitsplatz :-)


Biathlon-WM auf dem Holmenkollen

St. Patrick's Day: von wegen Guinness ...

birkebeiner: die ruhe vor dem sturm ...

... und das Chaos danach

My Job ...

After I came back to Oslo and survived St.Patricks Day (it wasn't that funny...), I started my job at the ROYAL NORWEGIAN YACHTCLUB. Sounds very nice, I know :-) but if you think now, that I am going to sail around Oslo fjord for the next three months then you're wrong: the Royal Norwegian Yachtlub owns a forest area on „Bygdøy" which is a really beautiful peninsula, situated in the Oslo fjord. The area has a very rich and varied vegetation and you find a lot of tree species that are rare in norway. That's why a big part of „Bygdøy" was protected some years ago and is now even considered to become a kind of urban national park. The Royal Norwegian Yachtclub wants to build a club house in an area that is not yet protected. My job is now, to find out how valuable this forest seems to be in comparision with the protected forest around. So, first I will map the area, then I will have a look on the tree species and all the small plants and animals, then I will check the aims of nature conservation and compare them with the situation on „Bygdøy" and finally I will tell the Royal Norwegian Yachtclub if they can built the club house or not ... no, sadly I won't tell them because this is someone elses job ... :-(

Ok, I hope you understood what I will do the next weeks. Beside my work there is of course much to do in Oslo: lying in the sun (it's really beautiful sunny wheather here at the moment!), swimming (we got an indoor swimming pool :-)), visiting Morten at the Police Academy, watching stars at night ... and of course: taking care of my knee :-)

Hugs Helena

ps: The Birkebeiner race was actually cancelled after two hours because there was too much and too strong wind on the mountain track. 13 000 participants had to be stopped and convinced to return back to Rena. It was a huge chaos !!!

fredag, mars 16, 2007

some informations


I came back the 8th of march – this time with the Kiel ferry so that i could already experience the Norwegian culture (is it really a culture???) on my way to Oslo: drunken people everywhere on the boat, old women standing on gambling machines for five or six hours waiting to win thousands of Norwegian krones, and a totally overcrowded duty-free shop where everybody tried to buy as much alcohol and cigarettes as possible.
in the evening I actually met two sober (nüchtern) people – a boy and a girl from Oslo – who I could talk to. they were both on their way back from Kiel where they have had a shopping day in the city … I couldn’t believe that people spend like 300 Euros just for boating to Kiel, go shopping there for about 5 hours and then boating back to Oslo the same day! It’s probably because I’ve never been to Kiel for shopping...
Anyway, I had a really funny evening with the two Norwegians in the “discovery lounge”. We talked a lot about what Norwegians think about Germans and the other way round. The girl told us a lot about her messy flatmate - her best friend - but who owes her more than 16 000 krones (2000 €) and who she has to cook, wash clothes, and clean everything for. Now, he finally forgot again to pay the rent for his room and that’s why both of them were kicked out of the flat this month after living together in this manner for over four years … she must be crazy … or in love with him …
Arrived in Oslo, I went to Holmenkollen on Saturday to visit the biathlon world cup which was really fun (of course drunken Norwegians everywhere again … they even talked German to me! and I had to drink a beer with them in the Oslo tram :-))
Tuesday I finally drove up to Evenstad (fuer die, die es nicht wissen: da hab ich letztes jahr studiert :-)) again to visit some friends. It was a strange feeling to come back again … but I met so many old friends and people I know that it was really great. There was a big party at “Biotopen” (the student pub) on Tuesday night so we had a lot of fun and I enjoyed it really much.
Tomorrow, I’m going to “Birkebeiner rennet” again (das was das 50km lange langlaufrennen, von dem ich euch letztes jahr erzaehlt habe …) and after that back to Oslo – actually, I am invited to a “St.Patrick’s Day” party (it’s the Irish nationalday on 17.3.) in Oslo and really looking forward to celebrate an Irish party with Norwegians (thousands of liter Guinness for sure … :-))

take care of you wherever you are! hugs helena

torsdag, mars 15, 2007


hello everyone,

just wanted to tell you that i`m back to evenstad and ready for new experiences in norway :-)

expect more informations soon or more sooner on this fabulous blog ...

be back in a while, hugs helena