fredag, mars 16, 2007

some informations


I came back the 8th of march – this time with the Kiel ferry so that i could already experience the Norwegian culture (is it really a culture???) on my way to Oslo: drunken people everywhere on the boat, old women standing on gambling machines for five or six hours waiting to win thousands of Norwegian krones, and a totally overcrowded duty-free shop where everybody tried to buy as much alcohol and cigarettes as possible.
in the evening I actually met two sober (nüchtern) people – a boy and a girl from Oslo – who I could talk to. they were both on their way back from Kiel where they have had a shopping day in the city … I couldn’t believe that people spend like 300 Euros just for boating to Kiel, go shopping there for about 5 hours and then boating back to Oslo the same day! It’s probably because I’ve never been to Kiel for shopping...
Anyway, I had a really funny evening with the two Norwegians in the “discovery lounge”. We talked a lot about what Norwegians think about Germans and the other way round. The girl told us a lot about her messy flatmate - her best friend - but who owes her more than 16 000 krones (2000 €) and who she has to cook, wash clothes, and clean everything for. Now, he finally forgot again to pay the rent for his room and that’s why both of them were kicked out of the flat this month after living together in this manner for over four years … she must be crazy … or in love with him …
Arrived in Oslo, I went to Holmenkollen on Saturday to visit the biathlon world cup which was really fun (of course drunken Norwegians everywhere again … they even talked German to me! and I had to drink a beer with them in the Oslo tram :-))
Tuesday I finally drove up to Evenstad (fuer die, die es nicht wissen: da hab ich letztes jahr studiert :-)) again to visit some friends. It was a strange feeling to come back again … but I met so many old friends and people I know that it was really great. There was a big party at “Biotopen” (the student pub) on Tuesday night so we had a lot of fun and I enjoyed it really much.
Tomorrow, I’m going to “Birkebeiner rennet” again (das was das 50km lange langlaufrennen, von dem ich euch letztes jahr erzaehlt habe …) and after that back to Oslo – actually, I am invited to a “St.Patrick’s Day” party (it’s the Irish nationalday on 17.3.) in Oslo and really looking forward to celebrate an Irish party with Norwegians (thousands of liter Guinness for sure … :-))

take care of you wherever you are! hugs helena

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hej helena!
it sounds nice your journey back to norway and your love with short hair (**grins**). well, i am in peru at the moment and got well used to all of here. yeah it is much more cheaper and fuc... hot. but anyway lot of greetings from the amazon. tronco